What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a very old organisation and is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, The roots of modern Freemasonry lie with the medieval stonemasons that built our castles and cathedrals, yet it is as relevant today as it was hundreds of years ago. The United Grand Lodge of England was formed by four lodges in London in 1717 and is based on four important guiding principles of Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity to help define their path through life: .
Freemasonry today has a new, open attitude which means we encourage all Freemasons to talk about their membership, what they do, what Freemasonry means to them, and about their charity.
Men of any faith are welcome to join; however to promote and maintain harmony amongst all members Freemasonry does not permit the discussion of religion or politics.
Masonic meetings often contain ‘ceremonies’ which are the means of teaching the history and the principles of Freemasonry. Most lodges usually meet together for dinner after the Lodge Meeting.
Care is an essential element of Freemasonry and that extends from Brothers in the lodge to others in the wider community. All Freemasons promise to be aware of the needs of those around them.
Any man of good character can be considered, regardless of their race, religion, financial or social status, who wish to come together as equals and share a common bond of friendship and mutual respect.
There are very few limitations, but some important exceptions are:
The minimum age at which you can join is usually 21.
Men of all faiths are accepted, and all candidates must be able to declare a belief in a Supreme Being.
You must be able to afford the fees without detriment to your family or livelihood.
You must have no serious criminal record and the support of your partner.
There are many reasons to join Freemasonry, but the most common are:
To share the company and camaraderie of like-minded men.
To fulfil a desire to further develop themselves.
To actively expand their involvement in community assistance.
Family or friends’ current or historical connections with Freemasonry.
To enjoy the social opportunities.
We believe that, once explained, Freemasonry has genuine appeal to all men - men who admire its traditional values, its fellowship, its benevolent qualities, and its ceremonial spectacle.
How can I find out more?
You do not need to wait to be asked to join Freemasonry. You may enquire of any member or fill in the “Contact us” form on our website and we’ll be in touch…